教養教育高度化機構では、2011年冬学期の21 KOMCEE(理想の教育棟)の授業利用開始に伴い、21 KOMCEEでのインタラクティブな授業から社会に対して成果を発信する全学自由研究ゼミナールを開講します。
![21 KOMCEEの建築現場の脇でシンボルツリーとして保存されるクスノキ](https://komex-ex.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/zeb/files/2011/09/tree_construction-200x300.jpg)
K303(21 KOMCEEスタジオ教室)で開講します。
- 第1週
- 坂口菊恵特任講師・林一雅特任助教
- 第2週
- グループワーク
- 第3週
- 高見英樹 文科省大臣官房文教施設企画部施設助成課課長補佐
- 第4週
- コクヨとのグループワーク
- 第5週
- 田村正道 類設計室一級建築士
21 KOMCEE建築意匠に込められた工夫
- 第6週
- コクヨとのグループディスカッション
- 第7週
- 大岡龍三 生産技術研究所教授
地中熱利用によるZero Energy Building実現
- 第8週
- 磯部雅彦 TSCP室長
東京大学のサステイナビリティキャンパス化への取り組みと21 KOMCEE
- 第9週
- グループワーク
- 第10週
- 大倉紀彰 環境省環境保健部企画課課長補佐
- 第11週
- 奈尾信英 広域システム科学系情報図形科学講師
- 第12週
- 住 明正 東京大学サステイナビリティ学連携研究機構教授
- 第13週
- グループワーク
- 小宮山 宏 『地球持続の技術』岩波新書
- 今泉 みね子『ドイツを変えた10人の環境パイオニア』白水社
In line with the opening of
the 21 Komaba Center for Educational Excellence (21 KOMCEE), an interactive seminar which communicates with wider society taking advantage of the new facilities will be held by the faculties for
Komaba Center for Educational Excellence (KOMEX) .
Kikue Sakaguchi: Junior Scholars Collaborative Initiative, KOMEX
Kazumasa Hayashi: Division for Active Learning and Teaching, KOMEX
Key words
Sustainability, Active Learning, Architecture Design, City Planning
Sustainability is a key word which integrates various academic fields tackling for the realization of sustainable society―the reduction of environmental burdens, how to respond to the declining birthrate and the aging society, conservation of biodiversity, solution to food problem, and so forth.
The aim of this seminar is to study strategies for realization of lowering environmental burdens and prospects of environmental education from the perspective of educational facility planning.
The 21 KOMCEE, the newly build symbolic structure in Komaba campus, will make a good theme for our study.
Therefore, we placed
Study Worldwide Model of Sustainable Campus, Starting from the 21 KOMCEE on the agenda.
- Hour: the fifth period(16:20-17:50), on Thursday
- Place: K303, 21 KOMCEE
To gain knowledge which would be needed to study worldwide model of sustainable campus, starting from the 21 KOMCEE, we’ll engage the services of experts at the forefront of this filed as lecturers.
Students are expected to make research on topic held by the lecturer so that there will be stormy discussion.
- 1st week (10/6)
- Guidance of this seminar
Lecturer Kikue Sakaguchi; assistant professor Kazumasa Hayashi
- 2st week (10/13)
- Student’s discussion and work@KOMABA
- 3rd week (10/20)
- Eco friendly design of school buildings in Japan
Hideki Takami from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science and Technology
- 4th week (10/27)
- Pre-group work with KOKUYO FURNITURE Co.,Ltd. @KOMABA
- 5th week (11/10)
- Ingenuity exercised in constructing and designing the 21 KOMCEE
Masamichi Tamura first-class registered architect from RUI architect’s office
- 6th week (11/17)
- Online group discussion between students@KOMABA and business persons@ KOKUYO FURNITURE Co.,Ltd., Shinagawa, on 2012 KOKUYO Faire
- 7th week (12/1)
- Realizing Zero Energy Building by utilizing geothermal energy
Professor Ryozo Ooka from the Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo
- 8th week (12/8)
- What the University of Tokyo has grappled with sustainablizing their campus, and the construction of the 21 KOMCEE
Professor Masahiko Isobe the general manager of TSCP (Todai Sustainable Campus Project)
- 9th week (12/15)
- Student’s discussion and work@KOMABA
- 10th week (12/22)
- What Japanese government has achieved as a countermeasure for global warming
Noriaki Okura from the Ministry of Environment
- 11th week (1/12)
- Learn from town planning in Europe from the perspective of design and ecology
Lecturer Nobuhide Nao from the Department of General Systems Studies, the University of Tokyo
- 12th week (1/19)
- What is sustainability as an academic filed?/ all about global warming
Professor Akimasa Sumi TIGS (Transdisciplinary Initiative for Global Sustainability) chief director, AGS (Alliance for Global Sustainability) promotion general manager, and IR3S (Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science) professor as an additional post
- 13th week (1/26)
- Student’s discussion and work@KOMABA
Fieldwork in the Netherlands for about a week is planned when this semester is over. There might be limitation of numbers for this fieldwork but not for the seminar itself.
Students are required to give presentations about what you’ve learned through the seminar. For your presentation, our website or KOMABA Festival will offer the opportunities.
Evaluation will be based on your attitude in the seminar and your presentation.